Meet our ambassador

When we think about ocean conservation, we often focus on the visible streams of waste that pollute our waters. And while this is a very important issue, Go Ocean also wants to shine a spotlight on an essential but often overlooked aspect: the impact of humans on our valuable underwater ecosystems.

Our goal? Create awareness and stimulate action aimed at restoring natural habitats in the ocean such as seagrass meadows, mangroves, coral reefs and oyster beds. They are all crucial to maintaining a healthy ocean. 

Wim Willaert

The ocean needs our help now. So, it’s time to move up a gear together with our ambassador Wim Willaert.

We all love Wim (you know him from Nonkels, Undercover, Eigen Kweek, Styx and other top series), but in addition to the fact that we laugh our heads off with his great tv series, Wim, as a resident of Nieuwpoort, has a deep-rooted bond with the sea . His enthusiasm and support for “het zèètje” can increase awareness of the ocean issue. 

We believe that Wim, as an ambassador, can build a bridge between the general public and our mission. His authentic commitment to the sea and his sense of community make him a perfect representative for our quest for a healthier ocean. He tells the story in an accessible, positive way and that is exactly what we need to bring about change.

Wim was born and raised in Nieuwpoort. The sea is his home… and it needs help, just as much as our nature above water. Just like Go Ocean, he believes in the fact that many small actions can have a big effect. If everyone works together to restore seagrasses or oyster beds, we will have an impact on marine ecosystems. And this on a global scale, because “if I stand with my feet in the sea, and so does someone from India, then we are standing in the same water.”

The campaign

How do you raise the ocean issue with the general public? And how do you convince them to take action?

We came up with a fun campaign with our ambassador as the star player! In Blankenberge, the location where we will soon present our first project on our North Sea.

Behind the scenes

Watch how Wim shaves his beard and goes out into the street unrecognizable to approach people. Discover what happens in a hidden camera recording, prepared from a local café in Blankenberge.

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