A breath of fresh (go) ocean news

Presenting Go Ocean & Go Forest at Dockflow
This article explores why businesses should become stewards of the ocean, embracing sustainable practices and restoration initiatives to ensure a thriving marine environment for future generations.

Purpose Statement
In this statement we set out Go Ocean’s goals for 2024 as well as for the coming years.

Revitalizing Our Oceans: The Critical Role of Businesses and SDG 14
This article explores why businesses should become stewards of the ocean, embracing sustainable practices and restoration initiatives to ensure a thriving marine environment for future generations.

Unlocking the mysteries of Blue Carbon Ecosystems
In this article, we take you with us to explore one of the ways the ocean is impacting the carbon cycle, namely through its blue carbon ecosystems.

Book review: The Blue Machine by Helen Czerski
The newest publication from professor Helen Czerski, “The Blue Machine”, reviewed by our co-founder and operations manager.

2023 Impact Report
In 2023, we’ve made waves in restoring marine ecosystems across our planet. Read more about it in our report!

Why mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, and coral reefs first?
Learn why we chose to launch our first portfolio with these three projects!

Paradise. Or not?
A painful testimony about my visit to Nusa Penida (Bali), but with a message of inexhaustible hope.

Reversing the tide
Anticipating the doom and gloom, there are clear resolutions at hand—in todays’ technological advance more than ever. The problem lies with our laxity, the extreme security we have grown so attached to—up the extent we stay