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Boost your business while giving back to the planet.

Your company as driving force behind SDG 14

Unlock the potential for business leadership through UN SDG 14:  Life below Water – the restoration of marine ecosystems. Surprisingly, despite the undeniable reliance of numerous businesses on maritime resources for inputs and transportation, SDG 14 is often overlooked as a priority for business action. 

Today, let’s redefine priorities and embark on a journey where your company can be a driving force in revitalizing our oceans and ensuring a sustainable future for all. We provide you with tools for transparent communication and reporting of impact data.

UN SDG 14 refers to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14, which is one of the 17 global goals established by the United Nations in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. SDG 14 focuses on “Life Below Water” and aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources.

Enterprises hold a pivotal role as responsible stewards of oceans, seas, and marine resources. The ocean is the backbone of the global economy, facilitating over 90% of the world’s trade and supporting a commercial activity exceeding USD$2.5 trillion annually. However, maritime transport, extractive activities (fishing, offshore drilling, mineral mining), and land-based practices can inflict severe damage on ocean environments if not managed sustainably. Activities such as chemical emissions, waste dumping, and habitat disruption contribute to the deterioration of marine ecosystems.

To safeguard our ocean, all businesses bear a responsibility to comply with environmental laws and international treaties dedicated to the protection of marine ecosystems.

Businesses must prioritize sustainable practices, fostering a harmonious coexistence between economic activities and the preservation of our ocean for future generations.

The damage already inflicted on our ocean necessitates proactive efforts to rehabilitate and rejuvenate these vital environments. By embracing restoration initiatives, businesses can play a transformative role in healing our ocean, fostering resilience, and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

Through our organization Go Ocean, it is very easy to contribute to the restoration of critical marine ecosystems through flexible collaboration opportunities.

Restore once

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*One-time onboarding fee applicable.


Restore monthly

Chat with us, get access to our tools, and create a personal campaign.

*No onboarding fee.
