Planting hope, one mangrove at a time.

Mangroves are tropical plants that form a barrier between the land and the water. They cannot grow everywhere, because they are adapted to loose, wet soils, salt water and being periodically submerged by tides.

What are mangroves?

A mangrove is an important piece of the ecosystem that offers much more than we can imagine. From being a great habitat for wildlife species, being a great protection for coasts, and bringing an economical added value to the local population, it is also one of the greatest sources of carbon sequestration.

However, the strength, attractiveness and durability of some mangrove species and the limited economic activities among local community tracts have led to the massive exploitation of mangroves.

The main goal of the mangrove restoration projects is to restore nature and wildlife. Additionally, we also focus a lot on involving the local people restoring water reserves and pollinators.

Mangrove benefits

Mangrove threats

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mangrove restoration?


Mangroves play a crucial role in coastal protection, soil regeneration, biodiversity preservation, fish stock enrichment, and carbon sequestration. In Madagascar specifically, they serve as a vital defense against cyclones, promote sedimentation, safeguard endemic species, bolster fish populations, and store significant amounts of carbon.

The primary threats to mangroves stem from human activities and environmental changes. These include aquaculture, coastal development, agriculture, industrialization, and the introduction of invasive species. Among these, aquaculture, particularly shrimp farming, poses a significant danger, accounting for a substantial portion of mangrove loss.

Climate change exacerbates these threats, with rising sea levels and extreme weather events disrupting mangrove habitats globally. Invasive species further compound the issue by outcompeting native flora and fauna.

In Madagascar, Mangroves can be planted all year round, except during the very dry months of July and August.

The main goal of mangrove restoration is to restore nature and wildlife, enhance ecosystem resilience and mitigate climate change impacts.

Our project in Madagascar specifically, supports a village of climatic migrants to have a more sustainable source of revenue and restores the mangrove forests degraded due to deforestation. Since Madagascar is home to 2% of the world‘s mangroves, this ecological impact is crucial.